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"Three nuclear power" actively promote a nuclear fuel assembly technology

Hits:Updated:2016-03-24 13:03:26【Print】

Nuclear: technology leadership only domestic supplier of nuclear fuel

As the only domestic fuel suppliers, CNNC independent fuel technology research and development deserved to go in the Guangdong Nuclear Power and National Power Investment ahead, chairman of the Nuclear Group Qin Sun in an interview with reporters, said fuel element fabrication is Nuclear Group places great emphasis on local . Currently CNNC has advanced manufacturing technology, such as in the country for the first time the 3D printing technology in the field of nuclear fuel element fabrication.

Currently, CNNC has developed two generations of CF series fuel assembly (CF2, CF3), CNNC spokesman PAN Jian-ming has said that the two groups of components and N36 features four groups CF3 pilot assembly has Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant Phase II project in unit 2 of the heap, completed the first cycle of irradiation test. In addition, CF2 fuel assembly has completed two cycles of irradiation testing. 2017 is expected to achieve industrial application CF series fuel assembly.

With "Hualong One" and the design and development of "core 177" is the essence of nuclear fuel research and development group, which reflects the innovative ideas and fully guarantee the safety. More than 157 fuel assemblies margin improved second-generation nuclear power plants in France's larger, more secure, the original second-generation plus margin of 5% to 10% to the 15% increase. Sun Qin describing "core 177" is cited a vivid example: "The French improved second-generation nuclear power plant by the equivalent of 157 individuals pick a burden.

After speaking to increase security is to increase the margin, there are two ways to keep people a little strong increase in the number or the point. Yang knows the weight of the child's strong point is that people eat a little strong, that the original fuel bold lengthened; the other way is to increase to 177 157 individual people, individual monomers in force unchanged for many more people to share. "As the ability to adjust the layout, gathering location and resource advantages, to achieve industrial transformation and upgrading, CNNC has made the construction of highly aggregated fuel industrial park, the strategic decision of the nuclear fuel processing industry international operations. According to the plan, nuclear fuel industrial park to take" time planning, step by step "approach, focused on the construction of purified uranium conversion, uranium enrichment, nuclear fuel element manufacturing nuclear fuel processing facilities, from a raw product to Triuranium nuclear fuel assembly" one-stop "processing services, to build a world-class nuclear fuel processing industry cluster, to enhance the international competitiveness of nuclear fuel processing industry. CNNC next goal is to create an international nuclear fuel industrial park of the supply center.



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