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Three Problems "Yangtze River Basin Nuclear safety case" must attach great importance to the

Hits:Updated:2016-03-24 10:03:11【Print】

First, the scientific properties of nuclear power is "low-carbon energy", rather than "clean energy."

Only in nuclear power without radioactive leakage accident, can be said to be "clean"; and the event of a leak, nuclear power has become the most formidable human sources - long-lived, highly radioactive nuclide without any physical chemical methods can be eliminated, and so it can only decay to harmless levels, need up to tens of thousands of years to tens of thousands of years or more. Compared with the same scale fossil fuel power plants, nuclear power plants even though the amount of waste the least, but it is the most global concern, because "there is a risk of large-scale radioactive substances released to the environment and the extremely serious consequences," which is the most basic nuclear , not vague scientific facts. Needs to be stressed is that radioactive leakage accident, and is not limited to nuclear power reactors (like Chernobyl and Fukushima as a major nuclear accident), further comprising an intermediate storage of spent fuel, spent fuel reprocessing, and reactor decommissioning high-level radioactive waste final disposal of high-risk areas. Thus, nuclear power will unconditionally classified as "clean energy" concept is very harmful.

Second Yangtze River nuclear power plant in Europe and America has never encountered before, "birth defects."

In addition to "China earthquake the most serious flood and drought and other natural disasters, multiple frequent" and other conditions, the "two lakes a river" nuclear power plant either in normal operation or accident situations, have a Europe of inland nuclear power never faced special challenges .

First, "a river lakes" around nuclear power plant population density is much higher than the European and American nuclear power plant, how to evacuate in case of an accident such a huge amount of the population, the whole world there is no such precedent and practice. "There can not be within 50 kilometers of medium-sized cities, must be selected in the low population density, easy isolation of the region" is the siting of nuclear power internationally accepted principles. Also within a radius of 80 km power plants, all US inland nuclear power plant on average only about 150 million people, three inland nuclear power plant in France surrounding population of 160 million to 4.4 million had been identified, "the population is too dense," but to shut down. And China's "two lakes a river" population surrounding the nuclear power plant are as high as 7 million (population density Chernobyl 8 times), and within 50 kilometers of a lot of medium-sized cities. Such a dense population unprecedented international level, the nuclear power plant is located in the seaside Happy Island, Chernobyl sparsely populated, if the same accident in China's Yangtze River, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Second, the weather conditions are not met inland nuclear power in Europe and America atmospheric dispersion conditions, it will produce micron-scale "radioactive aerosol" Easy pollution particles (diameter of the same order as PM2.5), also a "haze" components of nuclear power plants during normal operation. Normal operation of nuclear power plants will be radioactive airborne pollutants discharged, so atmospheric dispersion conditions inland nuclear power is an important consideration Location: the higher the annual average wind speed, the lower the frequency of calm wind, atmospheric dispersion conditions, the better, the more conducive to the diffusion of radioactive airborne pollutants, nuclear radiation affect the normal operation of the smaller surrounding public right. For example, European inland nuclear power plant's average annual wind speed> 2 m / s, annual static wind of up to a few days; and Hunan and Hubei large farm Taohuajiang average annual wind speed ≤2 m / s, annual static wind of as long as one to two months. Moreover, nuclear power installed capacity both sites are very large. It is contemplated: nuclear power plant cooling tower air emissions per day 200 000 000 000 kcal massive waste heat, resulting in greatly increased local humidity, prolonged by fog, rain drops floating enveloped not only easier to form smog, and more than a nuclear power plant components of "radioactive pollutants . "



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